Underlying Causes of Tinnitus You May Not Know About
Tinnitus is a common ailment affecting nearly 20% of all Americans. A symptom of a disorder rather than a disease itself, tinnitus is the sensation of hearing a buzzing, ringing or roaring when no external sound is present. Understanding the cause of this phantom noise holds the key to its treatment. Tinnitus Facts There are…
Can Stress Lead to Hearing Loss?
These last few months have been stressful for everyone. High levels of continuous stress have been linked to a variety of health problems, including hearing loss. Chronic Stress When you experience stress, your body releases hormones to increase your heart rate and breathing, making your muscles ready to respond to potential danger. When the stressful…
October is Audiology Awareness Month
Hearing loss can be a confusing experience that leaves you feeling discouraged, frustrated and isolated. October is Audiology Awareness Month, which means now is a great time to learn about life changes that can help make for a better tomorrow. Audiologists, including the experts at , can help identify hearing problems and recommend a treatment…
Is Red Wine Good for Your Hearing?
There’s nothing more satisfying than enjoying a glass of wine after a long work day. Studies have shown that red wine has health benefits when consumed in moderation, and yet another study confirms that it could specifically benefit your hearing health. Why Is Red Wine Good for You? Red wine is packed with antioxidants and…
How Does Loud Noise Cause Ear Damage?
Your hearing is a valuable sense that allows you to enjoy the voices of loved ones, the song of birds in the morning and your favorite music. It also alerts you to danger, like the sound of an oncoming vehicle or the beep of a smoke detector. If you’re not careful about protecting your ears…
Yard Work Can Damage Your Hearing
Summer is a great time to get your yard looking pristine. But between lawn mowers, hedge trimmers and weed whackers, you could be putting your hearing at risk. In fact, noise-induced hearing loss is the second most common cause of hearing loss, after aging. When you head out into the yard this summer, make sure…
What Is Unilateral Hearing Loss?
Unilateral hearing loss is defined as hearing loss that affects only one ear or that is substantially worse in one ear than the other. Severe or profound unilateral hearing loss is sometimes called unilateral deafness or single-sided deafness (SSD). Unilateral hearing loss can be conductive or sensorineural and is marked by having one “good ear”…
Three Reasons You’re Not Treating Your Hearing Loss
Have your loved ones told you lately that you need your hearing checked? If so, you’re not alone. The average person waits about seven years before seeking treatment for their hearing loss. Below are some of the reasons you may be putting off a hearing test or hearing aid fitting. Hearing Loss = Hearing Aids…
Workplace Hearing Regulations
We all have the right to feel safe at work, but this was not always the case. Not until the creation of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) did workplaces have a legal obligation to keep their workers safe, including protecting their hearing. What Is OSHA? The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) was…
Tips for Driving with Hearing Loss
While vision is your most important sense when it comes to driving, you should not underestimate the role your hearing plays to keep you safe on the road. There are many important auditory alerts drivers must pay attention to, including emergency sirens and car horns. If you have hearing loss, follow these tips for remaining…