March Newsletter
Today’s Hearing featured in Living Magazine, The Body Issue Want to know what sets Today’s Hearing apart from the others? It’s the phenom audiologist and owner, Dr. Mary Sue Harrison and Team. We’ve been called Katy’s Hometown Hearing Care Provider because we truly want to help all who visit, hear better. Read the full story on page 22…
The Who and Where of Hearing Aid Buying
Once you (or more likely numerous family members) have decided it is time for you to get your hearing checked, the options of where to go and who to see may be overwhelming. Knowing the differences can help make the decision clear as day. There are two types of hearing professionals: hearing instrument specialists and…
The Connection Between Concussions and Hearing Loss
Contact sports, car crashes and falls are the most common cause of concussions in Katy, Texas area. This type of traumatic brain injury is caused by a sudden acceleration or deceleration to the head. Common symptoms of a concussion include headaches, dizziness, loss of consciousness, confusion, fatigue and vomiting. While also a common symptom, hearing…
Winter 2017 Newsletter
Happy New Year!! We hope the holidays were good to you and your New Year is looking bright. With planning your health and fitness goals for the year, please remember to include healthy hearing in your plan. Early hearing loss detection is key to preventing further damage. With so much health information on the web,…
The Problems with Hearing and Headphones
Children in Katy, Texas and throughout the country are at an ever growing risk of developing hearing loss. In fact, the number of Americans with hearing loss has actually doubled within the past 30 years. This is most likely caused by the increase in use of personal music players. Noise-induced hearing loss is a real…
Discover the Hearing Loops for Movie Season
What’s there to do on a Saturday night in the West Houston, Texas area when you want to spend quality time with the family but also want to leave the house? January is a weird month; most of us are exhausted from the rush of the holiday season and are still too full from our…
Mapping Hearing Loss Solutions, the charitable arm of the world’s largest search engine, is supporting World Wide Hearing (WWH) to find a solution to what the World Health Organization (WHO) has described as one of the largest disabilities on the planet. Hearing loss. It affects one-third of people over the age of 65 and more than 1 billion young people are at risk for impaired…
Do I Have Hearing Loss?
Hearing loss is the third most common health problem in America, but as hearing health professionals, we’ve long been witnesses to the stigma surrounding the condition. This has discouraged many hearing-impaired individuals from seeking treatment. On average, an individual with hearing loss will wait up to seven years before getting help. Treating hearing loss early…
Hearing Aids & Glasses Have Less in Common Than You Think
As professionals in the hearing health industry, we’re regularly faced with the misconception that hearing aids are a lot like glasses. After all, both work to correct a deterioration of one of our senses, right? That may be true, but there are far more differences than there are similarities. Most eye problems are mechanical in…
Cognitive Decline, Listening Effort and Hearing Aids
The prevalence of dementia is expected to soar as the average life expectancy increases, but recent estimates suggest that the age-specific incidence of dementia is declining in high-income countries. In the February 11 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, Claudia Satizabal and colleagues report “robust evidence” of dementia’s decline. Using observational data collected…