Just like every device before it, the digital hearing aid has a progression of technology that is easy to track. One big advantage of the digital hearing aid is the capability to remove background noise, making conversation among hearing impaired people easier.
Thanks in large part to Bluetooth connections, remote controls and omnidirectional microphones, today’s digital hearing aids are considered revolutionary. It’s been many years since hearing impaired individuals in the 1800s only had the ear trumpet at their disposal when they wanted to amplify sound back in the 1800s. Fast forward many years later and digital hearing aids have revolutionized the way we hear. These devices underwent several models and prototypes until the present day. With an eye on the future, audiologists can now customize each device depending on the requirements of each user, such as automatic adjustments on volume to maintain ideal levels.
Were you aware that digital hearing aids have the capability to regulate settings like volume? This is so individuals don’t have to set these factors every time they wear their devices. Added control for the user gives peace of mind.
Digital noise reduction technology has surpassed that of multi-directional microphones, where it used to be that hearing devices were based on separation of speech to create speech modulation and other factors. However, today they are based on physical traits related to noise and speech.
The First Digital Hearing Aids
DSP is what makes digital hearing aids possible. They first came out in the mid-90s. Also referred to as digital signal processing, DSP allows users to benefit from higher processing speeds for improved hearing and a much better amplification range.
Better Connections
In regards to improved connections go, Bluetooth and other wireless technological services can further add to the overall listening experience. Three benefits especially include digital noise reduction, improved frequency transposition and increased range.
Single Sided Deafness
Used to be, if you were deaf on one side, you had to contend with background noise, which means you had to use your “good ear” to be able to hear and conduct conversations. Now, CROS devices and bone conduction devices make it possible to receive signals from the good ear and send them to the bad ear for sound amplification.
The Outlook
With benefits ranging from noise reduction to automatic volume setting adjustments, made possible by up to the minute wireless technology and microelectronics, the outlook for digital hearing aids is incredible because they are able to offer so many benefits to hearing impaired individuals.
Call Today’s Hearing at (281) 578-7500 for more information or to schedule an appointment.